Sunday 11 September 2011


Final Machinima Documentary

This is my final Documentary. I have encorperated my real world sensors of light and motion to help convey the concept of Pure War. Whilst inside, overwhelming feelings of being trapped are coming through. With the use of glowing wall lights, i have helped the person inside escape by making the walls glow stronger whilst heading in the right direction. In this circumstance Light being a sense of direction. 

Once the person has left the model, Stages of explosions are set of by motion triggers allowing me to set up a situation where there are pathways and there are some ways that are ok and some that are unsafe. Coming back to war where there is either the right way or the wrong way.
Description of Machinima Documentary

My Machinima Documentary is based on my patchube post "Home Monitoring" and Paul Vilirio's concept of "Pure War".

Modes of still images and Observing points from behind the player in crysis will allow me to stimulate how i used my patchube feed to convey Paul Virilio's concept of pure war. I used still images to help show my area model i created. I used key spots of the background music to help intensify the still images as it shows the model, Giving it a sense of enclosure.
Videos with Observing viewing helped me stimulate the feel of escape whilst being inside the model. This technique i used throughout the map untill a reach of freedom.

Lastest Interactive Insallation Images 

Friday 9 September 2011

My Installation and Flow Graphs
 I start of with my person inside the room. With the walls glowing stronger with the correct path taken, i then lead person to the exit of the building. That escape part can relate to my pachube in the "light" triggered by motion sensors. It sensors the movement in the direction i am heading setting of stronger light sources informing me i am heading the right way.
Once out of the enclosed entity i created i then venture to a safe area. Like war its always full of unexpecting things so i simulated a temperature sensor so when it goes in the wrong direction it will set of a explosion letting me know to avoid that direction. Scattering this idea across the map i have created a small video showing the pathway which led me to a safe (peace) area.


Flow Graphs

Glowing graph
This graph i used helped me do my testing with the cars and also i incorperated this flow graph in my entitiy model i created to allow me to guide my way through the model i stimulated.

 Proximity graph
This graph was used to help me stimulate movement triggers to set of explosions. This helped me create my pathway to freedom by directing me in the correct path.

Custom Graph
This custom graph allowed me to scale my entity and make it glow at the same time

Thursday 8 September 2011

Making It Rain in Crysis

I was able to make it rain in crysis but wasn't able to figure out how to intensify the environment with lighting and high speed winds etc.

Moving an Entity

By following the tutorial i was successfully able to make an entity move

Scaling my entity and picking up my entity

Pure War

The foundations of the world around us are entwined in the fabric of war, they are the fabric of the war we exist in. the cities we live in, the economy we participate in, the technology we use and love and the speed at which this is all happening. Reality is no longer defined by time and space, but in a virtual world, in which technology allows the existence of the paradox of being everywhere at the same time while being nowhere at all.

After looking abit into the theory behind pure war collecting resources i manage to summerise what i thought was a perfect example of Paul Virilio's thoughts behind Pure war.

Model Idea
I have decided to go with a enclosed area in which the person is trapped. There are passageways to exit but one correct one.. With the use of glowing walls as my lights inside, it will allow me to guide my way to the exit. From the start the entire wall is not glowing, once you start making your way through the bottom half glows straight away however the second half dosnt. Once you get closer to the correct path Both halves of the wall should be glowing strong. I feel this stimulates a real life war situation where guidance of light is a key ticket to finding a path to freedom and peace.

Glowing Car + Custom Material Parameter Test

I played around with it so i made each car's glowing strength different for each car.

My Chosen Level
The Quarry

Pachube is an on-line database service provider allowing developers to connect sensor data to the web and to build their own applications on it. (also known as a data brokerage platform).

For my pachube i  Found a particular feed that intrigued me and abit different from others. This Home monitoring allows you to not only get feedback from alarm sensors but at night if lights are off and sensors movement, lights will turn on.