Thursday 8 September 2011

Pure War

The foundations of the world around us are entwined in the fabric of war, they are the fabric of the war we exist in. the cities we live in, the economy we participate in, the technology we use and love and the speed at which this is all happening. Reality is no longer defined by time and space, but in a virtual world, in which technology allows the existence of the paradox of being everywhere at the same time while being nowhere at all.

After looking abit into the theory behind pure war collecting resources i manage to summerise what i thought was a perfect example of Paul Virilio's thoughts behind Pure war.

Model Idea
I have decided to go with a enclosed area in which the person is trapped. There are passageways to exit but one correct one.. With the use of glowing walls as my lights inside, it will allow me to guide my way to the exit. From the start the entire wall is not glowing, once you start making your way through the bottom half glows straight away however the second half dosnt. Once you get closer to the correct path Both halves of the wall should be glowing strong. I feel this stimulates a real life war situation where guidance of light is a key ticket to finding a path to freedom and peace.

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